Team > Prof. Dr. Matthew G. Hannah

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Prof. Hannah has taught and conducted research for 20 years, first in the US (University of Vermont), then in the UK (Aberystwyth University), and, since September 2013, at the University of Bayreuth. His interests range across historical geography, political geography, critical human-geographic theory, and include regional specializations in the USA and Germany. Research projects carried out to date have revolved around two questions: (1) how geographically organised state knowledge (censuses, trade statistics, etc.) came to form a fundamental infrastructure for modern "arts of government", and, turning the first question around, (2) which sorts of spatial power relations have made possible (and what forms of resistance have hindered or altered) the development of such modern knowledge-infrastructures.
These issues have been approached via a series of concrete empirical case studies: (1) a study of how the US Goverment attempted, during the 1870s, to re-shape spatial aspects of the lives of the Oglala Lakota ("Sioux"), in order to render them "governable" in a modern Western sense, and of how the Lakota circumvented and ultimately steered the process; (2) a broader study of the way the US census was developed into a modern tool of government in the late-19th century United States; (3) a study of controversies in 1980s West Germany surrounding the federal census. In all of these instances, the work of Michel Foucault has served as a fruitful source of questions and a touchstone of interpretation.
His most recent book, published in 2019, addresses the neglected concept of "direction" in socio-spatial theory, arguing that as the well-known "shrinkage of distance" continues to intensify, everyday practices in the Global North are coming to be structured ever more centrally by directional processes of turning from one thing to another. This shift has profound implications for the nature of socio-spatial order. His next major empirical study addresses his home town of Washington DC as a multi-scalar political "space of exception", in which the entire range of modern spatial power relations intertwine to form a complex material and symbolic place.

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Rothfuß, Eberhard; Dickel, Mirka; Wardenga, Ute; Strohmayer, Ulf; Goeke, Pascal; Dirksmeier, Peter; Hannah, Matthew G.; Puente Lozano, Paloma; Korf, Benedikt
reviewed by: Korf, B.: Schwierigkeiten mit der kritischen Geographie : Studien zu einer reflexiven Theorie d ...
in Geographica Helvetica volume 79 (2024) issue 2. - page 119-147
doi:10.5194/gh-79-119-2024 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.; Hutta, Jan Simon; Schemann, Christoph
Thinking through Covid-19 responses with Foucault : An initial overview
in Antipode Online
05. Mai 2020 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Comments on Julie Cupples' analysis of a "geoscientisation"
in New Zealand Geographer volume 76 (2020) issue 1. - page 18-20
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005038 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.; Mayer, Sylvia
Scale and Speculative Futures in Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker and Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312
Practices of Speculation : Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration
Bielefeld : transcript, 2020. - page 191-208 . - (Culture & Theory; 202)
doi:10.14361/9783839447512-009 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Direction and socio-spatial theory : a political economy of oriented practice
London : Routledge, 2019. - xii, 217 page . - (Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics)
Die Amerikas - Brücken und Brüche
publ: Hannah, Matthew G.; Obermaier, Gabriele; Rothfuß, Eberhard
Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2017. - 189 page . - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie; 9)
Hannah, Matthew G.
Discussion: Commentary on Disciplinary Spaces : Spatial control, forced assimilation and narrat ...
Disciplinary spaces : spatial control, forced assimilation and narratives of progress since the 19th centuy
Bielefeld : transcript, 2017. - page 287-296 . - (Sozial- und Kulturgeographie; 14)
Schmitt, Carl
Ex Captivitate Salus : Experiences 1945-47
Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, 2017. - 120 page
Hannah, Matthew G.; Peck, Jamie; Friedman, Andrew
reviewed by: Friedman, Andrew: Covert Capital : Landscapes of Denial and the Making of U.S. Empire in the Su ...
in Progress in Human Geography volume 41 (2017) issue 2. - page 263-272
doi:10.1177/0309132516631412 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Band 6
Oxford : Wiley Blackwell, 2017. - page 3188-3194
Schlottmann, Antje; Hannah, Matthew G.
Fragen des Stils/Questions of style
in ACME : An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies volume 15 (2016) issue 1. - page 81-103
Hannah, Matthew G.
Innovations in the afterlife of the Cold War : German-language human geography
in Social & Cultural Geography volume 17 (2016) issue 1. - page 71-80
doi:10.1080/14649365.2015.1066841 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
State knowledge and recurring patterns of state phobia : From fascism to post-politics
in Progress in Human Geography volume 40 (2016) issue 4. - page 476-494
doi:10.1177/0309132515596875 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Aufmerksamkeit und geographische Praxis
in Geographische Zeitschrift volume 103 (2015) issue 3. - page 131-150
Jones, Martin; Jones, Rhys; Woods, Michael; Whitehead, Mark; Dixon, Deborah; Hannah, Matthew G.
An introduction to political geography : Space, place and politics. 2nd ed.
London : Routledge, 2015. - 260 page
Hutta, Jan Simon; Sosnowski, Sandra; Teufel, Nicolai; Hannah, Matthew G.; Cortiel, Jeanne; Hollstegge, Julian
reviewed by: Mezzadra, Sandro ; Neilson, Brett: Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. Durham, 2 ...
in Progress in Human Geography volume 39 (2015) issue 4. - page 536-538
doi:10.1177/0309132514535656 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
On shifting preoccupations with ‘security’
in Dialogues in Human Geography volume 5 (2015) issue 3. - page 280-283
doi:10.1177/2043820615607763 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.; Kramer, Caroline
Demographie und Bevölkerung
Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialgeographie
Stuttgart : Ulmer, 2014. - page 124-137 . - (UTB; 3898)
Hannah, Matthew G.
Spaces of benevolent abandonment : The German Air Security decision of 2006
in Environment and Planning D : Society and Space volume 32 (2014) issue 5. - page 779-794
doi:10.1068/d13003p ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Attention and the phenomenological politics of landscape
in Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography volume 95 (2013) issue 3. - page 235-250
doi:10.1111/geob.12023 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Foucault’s ‘German moment’ : Genealogy of a disjuncture
in Foucault Studies (2012) issue 13. - page 116-137
doi:10.22439/fs.v0i13.3460 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Ortsregister : ein Glossar zu Räumen der Gegenwart
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2012. - page 199-205
Legg, Stephen; Ehrkamp, Patricia; Crampton, Jeremy W.; Belina, Bernd; Smith, Neil; Hannah, Matthew G.
Reading Matthew G. Hannah’s Dark Territory in the Information Age : Learning from the West Germ ...
in Political Geography volume 31 (2012) issue 3. - page 184-193
doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2012.01.002 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Biopower, life and left politics
in Antipode volume 43 (2011) issue 4. - page 1034-1055
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.2010.00840.x ...
Schmitt, Carl
Forms of modern imperialism in international law
Spatiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos
Abingdon : Routledge, 2011. - page 29
Schmitt, Carl
Großraum versus universalism
Spatiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt : Geographies of the Nomos
Abingdon : Routledge, 2011. - page 46
Hannah, Matthew G.
Pastoral power
Spatiality, sovereignty and Carl Schmitt : Geographies of the Nomos
Abingdon : Routledge, 2011. - page 227-233
Agnew, John; Hannah, Matthew G.; Sharp, Joanne; Hugill, Peter J.; Dowler, Lorraine; Kearns, Gerry
Reading Gerry Kearns’ Geopolitics and Empire : The Legacy of Halford Mackinder
in Political Geography volume 30 (2011) issue 1. - page 49-58
doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2010.09.007 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Dark territory in the information age : learning from the West German census controversies of t ...
Farnham : Ashgate, 2010. - XVIII, 257 page
Hannah, Matthew G.
reviewed by: Learning from the ‘war on terror’
in Political Geography volume 29 (2010) issue 2. - page 119-122
doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2010.01.001 ...
reviewed: Ingram, Alan ; Dodds, Klaus (Hrsg.): Spaces of security and insecurity : Geographies of the War on Terror. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009
Hannah, Matthew G.
(Mis)adventures in Rumsfeld space
in GeoJournal volume 75 (2010) issue 4. - page 397-406
doi:10.1007/s10708-008-9250-9 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Calculable territory and the West German census boycott movements of the 1980s
in Political Geography volume 28 (2009) issue 1. - page 66-75
doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2008.12.001 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Mapping the under-scrutinized : The West German census boycott movement of 1987 and the dangers ...
Geospatial Technologies and Homeland Security
Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. - page 301-314 . - (GeoJournal Library; 94) ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Spaces of exception and unexceptionability
War, citizenship, territory
New York : Routledge, 2008. - page 57-73
Hannah, Matthew G.
Die umstrittene Konstruktion von Vertrauen und Misstrauen in der westdeutschen Volkszählungsboy ...
in Social Geography volume 3 (2008) issue 1. - page 11-21
Hannah, Matthew G.
Formations of ‘Foucault’ in Anglo-American geography : an archaeological sketch
Space, knowledge and power : Foucault and geography
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2007. - page 83-106
Hannah, Matthew G.
Torture and the ticking bomb : The war on terrorism as a geographical imagination of power/know ...
in Annals of the Association of American Geographers volume 96 (2006) issue 3. - page 622-640
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8306.2006.00709.x ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
‘In full view yet invisible’ : on Neil Smith's American Empire
in Political Geography volume 24 (2005) issue 2. - page 239-243
Hannah, Matthew G.
Politics in suspenso : Reading Antje Schlottmann’s RaumSprache from the ‘North American’Contain ...
in ACME : An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies volume 4 (2005) issue 2. - page 240-248
Hannah, Matthew G.
Questioning Geography : Fundamental Debates
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2005. - page 151-166
Hannah, Matthew G.
Virility and Violation in the US “War on Terrorism”
A Companion to Feminist Geography
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2005. - page 550-564 . - (Blackwell Companions to Geography; 6)
Hannah, Matthew G.; Strohmayer, Ulf
Anatomy of debate in human geography
in Political Geography volume 20 (2001) issue 3. - page 381-404
Hannah, Matthew G.
Sampling and the politics of representation in US Census 2000
in Environment and Planning D : Society and Space volume 19 (2001) issue 5. - page 515-534
doi:10.1068/d289 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Governmentality and the mastery of territory in nineteenth-century America
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. - XII, 245 page . - (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography; 32)
Hannah, Matthew G.
The moral imperative of late capitalism
Worldview flux : perplexed values among postmodern peoples
Lanham : Lexington Books, 2000. - page 217-232
Hannah, Matthew G.
Skeptical realism : from either/or to both-and
in Environment and Planning D : Society and Space volume 17 (1999) issue 1. - page 17-34
doi:10.1068/d170017 ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Space and the structuring of disciplinary power : an interpretive review
in Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography volume 79 (1997) issue 3. - page 171-180
doi:10.1111/j.0435-3684.1997.00016.x ...
Hannah, Matthew G.; Strohmayer, Ulf
The artifice of conviction, or, an internal geography of responsibility
in Geographical Analysis volume 27 (1995) issue 4. - page 339-359
doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1995.tb00915.x ...
Strohmayer, Ulf; Hannah, Matthew G.
Finite specifity
Limits of representation
Munich : Accedo-Verl.-Ges., 1994. - page 115-121 . - (Studies of Action and Organization; 5)
Hannah, Matthew G.
Foucault on theorizing specificity
in Environment and Planning D : Society and Space volume 11 (1993) issue 3. - page 349-363
Hannah, Matthew G.; Strohmayer, Ulf
The obsolescence of labor : reference and finitude in Barnett and Sayer
in Antipode volume 25 (1993) issue 4. - page 359-364
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.1993.tb00224.x ...
Hannah, Matthew G.
Space and social control in the administration of the Oglala Lakota (" Sioux"), 1871-1879
in Journal of Historical Geography volume 19 (1993) issue 4. - page 412-432
Strohmayer, Ulf; Hannah, Matthew G.
Domesticating postmodernism
in Antipode volume 24 (1992) issue 1. - page 29-55
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.1992.tb00427.x ...
Hannah, Matthew G.; Strohmayer, Ulf
Ornamentalism : Geography and the labor of language in structuration theory
in Environment and Planning D : Society and Space volume 9 (1991) issue 3. - page 309-327

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Cultural Geography
Prof. Dr. Matthew G. Hannah
Head of Chair
Room: 149, GEO II
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2272